Wellness & Manifestation Coach

If you are ready to get clear on your vision, elevate your mindset and wellbeing while creating more abundance in your life, then you are in the right place.

Who is this for?

This is for the woman who feels lost and out of alignment but knows she is meant for more. This is for the woman who is ready to unblock, gain clarity, connect to her intuition, increase her confidence, feel radiant and step into her dream life.

Are you…

  • Feeling out of alignment and overwhelmed?
  • Filled with lack of confidence, self doubt and not sure how you will reach your goals?
  • Feeling burnt out, low energy and lacking motivation?
  • Suffering from procrastination and imposter syndrome?
  • Lacking clarity and direction?
  • Desiring to feel happier and enjoy a more fulfilling life?

Imagine this instead… 

  • Feeling radiant and full of energy 
  • Having a clear vision on what your version of success looks and you’re making it happen  
  • You are unapologetically stepping into your power with confidence 
  • Having a strong connection to your intuition and you fully trusting yourself 
  • Cultivating a deeper sense of happiness
  • Free of limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • Embodying your highest self 
  • Thriving and feeling fulfilled in the life you are creating 



This is what I want for you! 

 And exactly why I created this 1:1 offer,  weaving the magic of manifestation & wellness to help women just like you go from feeling disconnected and blocked to vibrantly authentic & living your best life.

Hi, I’m Lori!

Certified Wellness & Manifestation Coach

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I fully trust the universe leads us to where we need to be and I believe there is a reason you’re here.  So you can gain clarity, step into alignment, create an unstoppable mindset and create a life you absolutely love. 

If you’re ready to break through and reclaim your power then you’re in the right place!

I know because I’ve been there before.  For so long I felt I was just moving through the motions of life, lacked direction and was living for what I thought success was meant to be ie: society’s view of success. 

I felt unfulfilled, lost and I was in constant search of trying to fill the void. This also led to filling up my cup in the wrong way, the wine way.   Now don’t get me wrong, I was healthy in many ways or thought I was, I would work out regularly, drink green smoothies, eat vegan and GF and become a wine warrior on the weekend because that unhappiness led to living for the weekend.  I was trying to escape parts of my life I didn’t like and this is not how I wanted to live. 

It wasn’t until nearly on the verge of what felt like a breakdown in 2016 that I decided to take life into my own hands, stop living for outside expectations and follow what my intuition was guiding me to do.  My heart yearned for freedom. Freedom from the chains of the corporate ladder and 9-5 that was leaving me unfulfilled and burnt out.  So at the age of 30, I decided to pack my bags, book a one way flight and leave for Australia.  That is when everything shifted.  Manifestations I had on my vision board began to come true, I was working amazing jobs, making more money than I ever had before, found a relationship I was calling in, road tripped  all over Australia, travelled to places like Fiji, Bali and New Zealand.  I felt so happy, free and fulfilled. Finally feeling like me. 

That was the real beginning to my journey that led me to living abroad 5 times, starting a business, manifesting my desires, up levelling my wellbeing, creating an unstoppable mindset, a life I love and now working in a dream career as a Wellness & Manifestation Coach.

It was through a deep commitment to get clear on what my “happy” looked like, how I wanted to live my life, what my values were and really cultivated a loving relationship with myself that became a catalyst for the change and growth.  Working on my mindset to create empowering beliefs, visualisations, focusing on my wellbeing and working with manifestation have all led me to where I am today. I choose to live with authenticity, integrity and in alignment.  I choose to embody the version of my higher self and take bold action from a place of where I want to be.

And I want to help you do the same!

Today I get to work with incredible women like you as a Wellness and Manifestation Coach helping them break through the barriers of limiting beliefs and self sabotage to truly step into their power and create a life they don’t want to escape from.  

Are you ready to step up and step into YOU?


Elevate Your Mind, Wellbeing and Life

Manifestation Coach


12 weeks of high level Wellness & Manifestation coaching in an intimate 1:1 container

  • 8 x 60 minute zoom calls including recording 
  • Soul homework
  • Tools and healing techniques to reprogram the mindset, unblock and create unshakable confidence 
  • Glow up wellness plan to have you feeling energetic and vibrant 
  • Magnetic morning routine 
  • Manifestation techniques to help you step into your dream life and become a magnetic match for your desires.
  • Unlimited on-going support via Voxer and email Monday – Friday

90 Minute Deep Dive Wellness & Manifestation Coaching Session

  • 90 minute zoom call including recording 
  • Clarity around your goal and desires 
  • What’s blocking you 
  • Wellness Action Plan  
  • Magnetic morning routine 
  • Manifestation practices to call in your desires

“Being coached by Lori has far exceeded what I ever could have imagined! She has helped me identify the parts of myself that were holding me back from creating the life I have been dreaming about, and doing it in such a supportive and caring space that I feel that I can fully allow myself to admit to to those limiting beliefs, and be provided with the tools to keep working through them. I have gained so much clarity on what it is that I really want, and I can’t wait to see what further sessions with Lori are going reveal!”


How it works


My signature system blends the magic of wellness and manifestation.  In order to create a life that lights us up and manifest with ease, we need to be in a place of high self worth and energetic alignment to that of our desires.  By combining wellness and mindset, we up level your self worth through rewriting limiting beliefs, creating a new found confidence, dive into the power of manifestation to call in your desires, create a  tailored wellness plan to have you feeling energised, glowing and ready to step into a fulfilling, aligned lifestyle that you love.  


Crystal Clarity – clear on your visions and goals 

Unstoppable Mindset – Uncover what’s holding you back, rewrite subconscious limiting beliefs and create new empowering ones  

Radiant Well Being – Glow up with a magnetic morning routine and wellness plan designed to fit your lifestyle 

Manifest & Trust – We go deep into powerful manifestation practices and cultivate a deep sense of trust with the universe and yourself 

Aligned Action – Through a deeper connection to your intuition, you will know when to take aligned action towards your goals 

Empowered Embodiment – Step into your highest version of you and claim back your power!

You get to choose the life you want. Are you ready to take that LEAP?

Book your free clarity call today to see if we are aligned fit and if working with me as your Wellness and Manifestation Coach is just what you need to start saying YES to the life you are calling in.  I can’t wait to meet you and truly show you what is possible!